26 research outputs found

    Evaluation of individual-tree growth models for Picea abies based on a case study of an uneven-sized stand in southern Sweden

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    To develop recommendations for tree selection in Continuous Cover Forestry (CCF), access to valid tools for simulating growth at individual tree-level is necessary. To assist efforts to develop such tools, in this study, long-term observation data from two uneven-sized Norway spruce plots in southern Sweden are used to evaluate old and new individual-tree growth models (two established Swedish models, two new preliminary models and included as a reference, a Finnish model). The plots' historical management records and site conditions are the same, but their last thinning treatment differs. Observed diameter increment at tree-level is investigated in relation to treatment. Individual tree growth residuals of tested models are evaluated in relation to tree diameter, treatment, projection length and sensitivity to the predictor mean stand age. Furthermore, the relations between displayed residuals and basal area local competition are analysed. The analyses indicate that active thinning made annual diameter increment independent of tree diameter above a threshold level, while the absence of thinning supported a concave relationship. All tested models displayed a significant linear bias leading to overestimation of small trees' growth and increasing underestimations of larger trees' growth with tree diameter. All distance-independent models displayed residual trends related to local competition

    Prediction of knot size in uneven-sized Norway spruce stands in Sweden

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    The size of knots is negatively correlated with bending strength in sawn timber and it is therefore used as a quality grading criterion in national roundwood grading standards. Some standards even use the size of the largest knot as the sole estimate for individual log knottiness. The size of knots is determined by crown horizontal extension, which in turn is dependent on the impact of competing trees. Thus, with knot size models that are competition-dependent, roundwood quality due to knottiness can be simulated for different management alternatives. However, these types of models, calibrated on uneven-sized Norway spruce in Fennoscandia, are currently not available. Therefore, the objective of this study is to develop a competition-dependent model framework for prediction of the largest knot size per stem height section, for application within uneven-sized Norway spruce stands. Data from terrestrial laser scanning of an uneven-sized stand in southern Sweden are used to calibrate a modular prediction framework, consisting of interlinked allometric statistical models. Alternative framework sub-models are presented and the preferred model combination can be selected according to context and available input data. The flexible modular format enables further development of separate sub-components for adaptation to growing conditions not covered by the current calibration range

    Some specific sub-models for simulation of uneven-sized Norway spruce : within contexts of forest management, stem quality and tree growth

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    This report presents models that have been developed within a PhD project about continuous cover forestry systems. Each model is developed to serve as a sub-model to describe a specific process within a larger simulation or estimation context. The models are intended for use within simulation and optimization of continuous cover forestry management and competition-dependent branch size estimation. All models presented are representative for uneven-sized Norway spruce on moderate to fertile sites in southern Sweden, corresponding to site indexes between G27 and G34, and latitudes between 56° and 58°.Continuous cover forestry systems: interaction between management practice, wood quality and economic viabilit

    Är den svenska valutan anpassad för en lĂ„ngsiktigt hĂ„llbar utveckling? : – vilka brister finns och hur kan de Ă„tgĂ€rdas?

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    Money by definition is always a subjective human creation. Because of this it is unavoidablethat the physical and mental structure of a specific money system will have an effect on thesociety where it is circulating. With this fact as a starting point, the thesis is analysing whetherthe Swedish national currency, the crown, is consistent with a sustainable development. Theaim of the analysis is to: (a) identify the major shortcomings of the infrastructure of the crownin relation to its ability to support a sustainable development, (b) evaluate what possiblesolutions there are at hand to adjust for the shortcomings. The method used is purely based ontheoretical analysis, with emphasis on abstraction and causal simplicity.In a modern society, money is not only circulating as coins and bills, but also as digital assetstransferred directly between bank accounts. In the case of the Swedish crown, about 8 % ofthe money exists as coins and bills, while about 92 % of the money is digital. The coins andbills are created by the Swedish central bank, while the digital money is created by privatebanks and credit institutions. This privately created money exists with debt as a precondition.Someone has to make a loan, and thus create a debt, before the money can exist. On a societylevel these individual debts add up to a total debt which is growing faster than the amount ofmoney available to repay the debt, since the banking institutions are also charging interest ontop of each loan. The outcome is a situation where the debt becomes more and moreimpossible to repay and therefore it also creates a chronical shortage of money in society.This shortage causes several negative effects in society as a whole and on development ingeneral, leading to the conclusion that the Swedish crown is not consistent with an ecologicaland social sustainable development.The main problems could be solved by removing the right of private organisations to issuemoney and place this in the hands of a democratic public authority. New money should be putinto circulation without creation of new debt. The profits from issuing then become publicinstead of private, and the amount of money in circulation can be adjusted according to need

    Individual-tree-selection in uneven-sized Norway spruce stands in southern Sweden : Developments of tools for simulation and optimization

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    Individual-tree-selection (ITS) is a continuous cover forestry method that aims to utilize the uneven-sized stand structure through optimized individual tree selections. ITS is an interesting management alternative to rotation forestry in terms of production of multiple benefits and forest owner profitability. With regard to Fennoscandia, ITS is currently only practiced to a limited extent, partly because of a scarcity in knowledge and skills among all stakeholders, but also due to the shortage of scientific guidelines for how optimized tree selections are performed in practice. Thus, the aim of the thesis is to develop tools for optimizing practical ITS recommendations for Norway spruce. Tree position data for model fitting were collected from five trial sites in southern Sweden, one of which was documented with terrestrial laser scanning to get crown shape data for knot size modelling. A method that optimizes the target diameter dependent on the discount rate and the degree of the local competition exposed to the subject tree, was developed. Technically, a defined adaptive control function was optimized with full system stochastic simulation and with expected present value as the objective function variable. Since the quality of the optimization is dependent on the quality of the models in the simulation, priority was given to the evaluation and development of the central models. Available individual tree growth models were tested and evaluated with tree data from long term uneven-sized trial plots. Furthermore, new individual-tree distance-dependent growth models were developed for uneven-sized Norway spruce. A modelling framework, for prediction of the largest knot size per stem height section, was developed to provide means of simulating log quality depending on impact from local tree competitors. The results indicated that the thinning intensity in uneven-sized stand structures may be used to actively control the transition point where smaller diameter classes are subjected to suppressed growth. The evaluation of the Swedish individual-tree growth models which are included in the HEUREKA forest simulator, showed underestimation of large trees and overestimation of small trees. The underestimation is smaller or absent in denser forests for diameter classes above 40 cm. The new distance-dependent growth models are presented in two versions, one with and one without crown ratio as a predictor. The new growth models facilitate the testing of spatial decision criteria in ITS optimization. From the results of the ITS optimization, field operators can choose either a fixed level target diameteror a flexible target diameter that is adaptive to the degree of local competition surrounding the subject tree. Optimal fixed target diameters at breast height range from 33 cm to 23 cm depending on discount rate (1–3 %). A decision support structure for ITS is proposed.Kontinuitetsskogsbruk, eller som det ofta benĂ€mns hyggesfritt skogsbruk, kĂ€nnetecknas av brukningsmetoder som undviker kalhyggesfasen. Kontinuitetsskogsbruk kan i sin tur delas upp i tvĂ„ huvudkategorier, enskiktad respektive skiktad skogsskötsel, beroende pĂ„ vilken bestĂ„ndsstruktur som skötseln efterstrĂ€var. I skiktad skogsskötsel fattas avverkningsbesluten antingen per trĂ€dgrupp (luckhuggning) eller per enskilt trĂ€d (individuella trĂ€dval). Denna avhandling fördjupar sig i metoden skiktad skogsskötsel med individuella trĂ€dval. Det svenska begreppet plockhuggning kan anses vara synonymt till individuella trĂ€dval under förutsĂ€ttning att trĂ€den ”plockas” och ”huggs” efter medvetna övervĂ€ganden om skogens lĂ„ngsiktiga avkastning. Nyligen redovisad forskning i Norden visar att skiktad barrskogsskötsel med individuella trĂ€dval har möjlighet att skapa en högre andel total nytta frĂ„n skogsmarken samt ofta Ă€ven en bĂ€ttre lönsamhet för skogsĂ€garen jĂ€mfört med traditionellt kalhyggesbruk. Idag tillĂ€mpas dock plockhuggning i olika former endast pĂ„ mindre Ă€n 1 % av skogsarealen i de nordiska lĂ€nderna. En huvudorsak till detta Ă€r att det finns bristande kunskaper och fĂ€rdigheter hos alla intressenter (skogsĂ€gare, entreprenörer och rĂ„dgivare). Den uppkomna situationen beror sannolikt Ă€ven pĂ„ att forskningen endast i begrĂ€nsad utstrĂ€ckning har presenterat fĂ€ltanpassade vĂ€gledningar för hur de individuella trĂ€dvalen bör utföras för att optimera den lĂ„ngsiktiga avkastningen. I en beslutssituation dĂ€r ett specifikt trĂ€d utvĂ€rderas ifall det ska avverkas eller inte, kommer beslutet att pĂ„verka alla omgivande trĂ€d som delar tillvĂ€xtresurser med det aktuella trĂ€det (trĂ€dets trĂ€dgrupp). Av de tvĂ„ tillgĂ€ngliga beslutsalternativen, Ă€r det optimalt att vĂ€lja det alternativ som ger högst vĂ€rdeavkastning för hela trĂ€dgruppen. Det Ă€r ett komplext beslut med mĂ„nga dimensioner. FörutsĂ€ttningarna Ă€r dessutom unika för varje trĂ€d och pĂ„verkas av dynamiska processer som förĂ€ndras över tid. En optimering av generella besluts kriterier blir endast möjligt om problemstĂ€llningen avgrĂ€nsas och delas upp i hanterbara delproblem, dĂ€r de mest inflytelserika variablerna inkluderas i analysen. Kompletterande analyser som hanterar olika delproblem kan sedan slĂ„s ihop till heltĂ€ckande beslutsvĂ€gledningar. Oavsett val av optimeringsmetod Ă€r grunden för sĂ„dana analyser att det finns tillgĂ„ng till tillförlitliga och representativa simuleringsmodeller. Avhandlingens övergripande syfte Ă€r att undersöka sambanden mellan ekonomisk avkastning, skötsel och rundvirkeskvalitet för grandominerad skiktad skogsskötsel i södra Sverige. Under arbetets gĂ„ng har detta, inom ovangivna ramar, specificerats till: att undersöka hur Ă„rsringsbredden beror pĂ„ trĂ€dstorlek och gallringsuttag (artikel I). att utvĂ€rdera tillförlitligheten för befintliga tillvĂ€xtmodeller för enskilda trĂ€d (artikel I). att utveckla tillvĂ€xtmodeller för enskilda trĂ€d som Ă€r avstĂ„ndsberoende (artikel II). att optimera beslutskriterier för individuella trĂ€dval i fĂ€lt (artikel III). att utveckla en modell för största kviststorlek beroende av lokal konkurrens och position pĂ„ stammen (artikel IV). Underlaget för analyserna har i huvudsak hĂ€mtats frĂ„n fem olika provytor i Götaland bestĂ„ende av grandominerad skiktad granskog med lĂ„ng kontinuitet och mer eller mindre aktiv skötsel. Resultaten indikerar att i skiktade bestĂ„nd kan storleken pĂ„ gallringsuttaget anvĂ€ndas för att aktivt pĂ„verka den brösthöjdsdiameter dĂ€r mindre diameterklasser fĂ„r en hĂ€mmad tillvĂ€xt. Detta innebĂ€r att Ă„rsringsutvecklingen hos de mindre trĂ€den, vilket Ă€r en viktig kvalitetsregel, skulle kunna kontrolleras genom anpassning av gallringsuttaget. NĂ€r de befintliga tillvĂ€xtmodellerna (för enskilda trĂ€d) testades pĂ„ skiktad granskog, visade resultaten att tillvĂ€xten överskattades för smĂ„ trĂ€d och underskattades för stora trĂ€d. NĂ€r grundytan Ă€r hög försvinner underskattningen för stora trĂ€d med en brösthöjdsdiameter över 40 cm. Som ett alternativ till HEUREKA-modellerna presenteras nya avstĂ„ndsberoende tillvĂ€xtmodeller för enskilda trĂ€d, som Ă€r anpassade för skiktad granskog. Med dessa tillvĂ€xtmodeller Ă€r det möjligt att studera betydelsen av avstĂ„nden mellan konkurrerande trĂ€d för det individuella trĂ€dvalet. Vidare presenteras en modellstruktur för att berĂ€kna storleken pĂ„ den största kvisten pĂ„ en given höjd pĂ„ stammen. Modellen tar Ă€ven hĂ€nsyn till graden av lokal konkurrens runt det enskilda trĂ€det. Modellstrukuren bestĂ„r av en uppsĂ€ttning delmodeller som beskriver allometriska statistiska samband mellan nĂ„gra centrala fysiska proportioner hos granar i skiktade bestĂ„nd. Den modulĂ€ra konstruktionen gör modellen anpassningsbar och den kan anvĂ€ndas för att uppskatta förvĂ€ntad rundvirkeskvalitet, avseende pĂ„ tillĂ„ten kviststorlek. En metod som optimerar mĂ„ldiametern hos det enskilda trĂ€det beroende pĂ„ vald diskonteringsrĂ€nta samt graden av konkurrens runt trĂ€det redovisas. Det optimerade resultatet presenteras i diagramform som kan anvĂ€ndas som beslutsstöd direkt i fĂ€lt. Beslutsstödet Ă€r anpassat för medelgoda till bördiga grandominerade stĂ„ndorter i södra Sverige. Optimal mĂ„ldiameter, nĂ€r ingen hĂ€nsyn tas till den lokala konkurrensen, var mellan 33 cm och 23 cm beroende pĂ„ rĂ€ntenivĂ„ (1–3 %). Slutligen presenteras ett förslag till beslutsstruktur för optimerade individuella trĂ€dval i fĂ€lt, beskrivet med ett konkret exempel. Avhandlingen presenterar exempel pĂ„ metodik och resultat som kan anvĂ€ndas för att ta fram rekommendationer som optimerar trĂ€dvalen, men resultaten tĂ€cker endast en begrĂ€nsad del av möjliga förutsĂ€ttningar. Den mesta forskningen Ă„terstĂ„r sĂ„ledes att göra för att tĂ€cka in fler geografiska omrĂ„den, stĂ„ndorter, trĂ€dslag och beslutskriterier

    Some specific sub-models for simulation of uneven-sized Norway spruce : within contexts of forest management, stem quality and tree growth

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    This report presents models that have been developed within a PhD project about continuous cover forestry systems. Each model is developed to serve as a sub-model to describe a specific process within a larger simulation or estimation context. The models are intended for use within simulation and optimization of continuous cover forestry management and competition-dependent branch size estimation. All models presented are representative for uneven-sized Norway spruce on moderate to fertile sites in southern Sweden, corresponding to site indexes between G27 and G34, and latitudes between 56° and 58°.Continuous cover forestry systems: interaction between management practice, wood quality and economic viabilit